Friday 17 March 2017

Positive Attitude can bring success.

Hey people!

If you have positive attitude, you can do anything. As the psychology has proven, positive attitude creates a Healthy environment.

when you start thinking in a positive way and I can do it! feeling develops. This I can do feeling starts working.

1.  Find ways to appreciate people around you, even if you don't want to. (I know it's hard)

2 .Make a list of things you like in yourself, not because other says it. But you like it.

3. Appreciate your own efforts, and make points what you have to do in life. '

4. Make a wish list what you want to have in your life, keep ticking on it as soon as you do it.           Even if it take years, Keep counting that day is coming soon.

5. Start doing things for yourself and for others, not for the sake of getting something out of it. But for you own satisfaction.what goes around comes around.⟳

6. Start doing small things.

7. Be strong! life gives you lemon, make lemonade then. (As Eminem Says)  

8. Find out good in everything.

Wednesday 15 March 2017

why our learning is incomplete?

1. We focus more on cramming than learning something new.
2. We expect more marks over practical knowledge.
3. New Learning (experimental learning) might take extra time, but we want instant results.
4. Forcing children to do what parent wants and child learns only for the sake of passing the exam.
5. Motivation is not given on time.

Make learning effective:
1. Give child the chance to succeed in their choice of field, child will do wonders. (for sure)
2. Support your child and show them you care.
3.  Help the child, take her/him to the counsellor to solve their queries.
4. Keep the child free, let him learn himself.

I hope it is helpful, in some or the other way.