Thursday 2 August 2018

Taste of truth

Hey guys,

This is I guess the most wanted topic in the human history. Hurting others is easier than making them happy.

People disappoint us, for not responding the way they should be responding, not being honest and by telling lies.
There is a thin line between the truth and a lie. Truth hurts more than the lies and it is easier to lie than confessing the truth. This is why I guess people lie. They also do so because it makes them more accepting. Or maybe they are trapped in their own web of Lies. The only difference between the truth and the lie is that the truth is solely independent and it does not need the support to stand up against all odds but lie does.
I think the person who lies is the one who is Hollow from inside Out. They most of the time hurt people who are close to them.

If you don't know how does the truth taste like you should stop making others stupid because in the end you will get to know you were the only stupid around. There are certain ways to hide a truth but there are a million of reasons to showcase it. If you are enjoying your lies now guess what it is going to change in a jiffy and you will not even get a chance to regret it.
The only thing that is going to happen is you will end up losing people you love the most.

When you taste the truth the only think you are going to feel is the freedom from the chains of Lies, the Independence which stopped you trapped you earlier. Well, life gives chances to restart. Now is the time. You might regret it in future for not starting it earlier.

Now is the time to change, CHANGE FOR GOOD.

People will be forgiven,
Truth will be revealed
Dark Sky would clear
Birds would fly
Your worth would be understood
As the time passes by!

"Let Karma Hustle!"

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