Saturday 13 July 2019

Calm Down a little

Hey guys,

You must have heard this word 'calm down', it is used in many types of sentences;

When somebody is angry: Calm down! Ritu.

When somebody is excited: Calm down! Prerna.

When somebody is overwhelmed: Calm down! Dimple, nothing bad is going to happen.

There are so many things which keep us sane and sometimes, make us insane. I guess people close to our hearts do it all the time. Sometimes, people are like dark clouds; it's fine when they are gone. And sometimes people are like a blessing even if they are not around but it feels good to have them in life. Well, there are phases in life in which we want a friend to be around or beside us just to make us feel that we are not alone.(P.S- a friend works for me!) A jealous friend is even better.😂

I don't know it is common or not but the people who are closest to our hearts leave us. Either life gives them the reason to leave or they just are one. I don't think its a curse to have someone special in life, or we are too prone to sadness.

Sometimes I think life is:

"Don't get excited otherwise I'll ruin it."

Even before getting excited it is like calm down, let it happen first. Then when it happens, the happiness is for just a span. We either celebrate it for days or weeks but when it comes to sadness it's like forever! Why can't we be sad just for days or for weeks? I guess it is human nature, we celebrate sadness more than the happiness. Even I don't know I am happy or sad but trying to keep a point with a straight face.


Sunday 30 June 2019

Being a woman!

To all the women out there,

Being a woman, sometimes, makes me feel like, am I even important? This kind of feeling comes when so much is going on in your life and you just can't think why the hell I am going through this. Is it because I am a woman and that's why treated as a less important person in the human race? Well, the answer is, we as a woman are not treated as a serious matter. People think we are born to be used in their stupid jokes which is used when they are incapable of doing something or during their failure when they cry. As we cry our hearts out when something goes wrong and we do everything in best possible way. So, no thanks!

Huh. I am not just making up anything. I will tell you guys an incident which happened a few months back.

My friends and I we were volunteering for the function which took place in February. One of the judges called a guy "a woman" because he was talking a lot. I was looking at his face. The other guys around started laughing so hard as if it were a joke.

It offended the guy and he said sir, please don't call me "a woman".

In layman terms, we can say the whole idea behind that not so funny joke was biased/stereotyped.

The guy was standing next to me and with that sad face he looked at me and asked, "Why did he call me a woman?"

I replied, "So what if he called you a woman? He said, "No! he shouldn't be calling me that".

People sometimes just develop qualitatively not quantitatively. Their brain is just as dumb as their tongue. Woman is different than man in just biological way. In humans only, the size of a woman is nearly the same. In animals or fishes the size of female is larger than that of male.  Treating woman as less important person and using them like a joke to laugh at are the people who pulls out the bitch in me who is ever ready to fight like a woman!  But the vicious circle of stupidity goes on. I think it satisfies their identity of treating themselves as Superior. Well, congratulations you still look stupid! People used to call me a tom-boy and guess what! I am not, I am a lady with all the strength and Independence. I can do what ever I want to. If I am doing something which is not according to the gender roles made by the society that does not make me a man or Tom boy. Because women can do it in their way.

(P.S- the best way possible!)

If this article is offending most of the negative minds out there. GUESS WHAT!


Thank you!

Friday 28 June 2019

What is the best life advice you would give?

My philosophy of life is that the only person who should be responsible for your success or failure , should be you. When regretting something what you did earlier or appreciating that someone should be you.

I don't want to blame others for the decisions that I have made, the real learning in life is by doing it or by learning from others experience. Which might save you from making the same mistake.

Don't give people the right to control you, other than your parents. Sometimes you got to think about the real problem and for how much time it is going to stay and it's impact.

Always note down the positive points and negative point together of the situation and notice which side is Winning. You will get all your answers.Life is hard after all. Think wisely.

The only person knows how hard the situation is or how easy is it, the person in it.Others problem is just a problem not a misery untill it's yours.

Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about.

Be kind. Always.

How do you know if you're on love?

•When you think about them all the time, the good thing that happened to you and you just can't wait to tell them the detailed story.

•When you think what they would be doing at the very moment.

•When you are listing to songs and imagining being with them.

•When you thank God for meeting that person.

•When you want to be with them.

•When you don't utter a word while sitting together and not get bored.

•When all the things you did earlier is in your head and you don't want to sleep you thing, that you might miss out the moment.

•The first thing which comes to your mind is their call or their texts they sent you, you go through them just to live the moment again.

•When you close your eyes and only thing you want to see is their face.

•You tend to smile even before seeing the whole text.

•You get the feeling of euphoria, you get the feeling as if you are addicted to them.

•Day and night you can talk about them without even getting tired.

I think that's enough!

Wednesday 17 April 2019

Enough of Procrastination

It is quite normal to be lethargic most of the time, although I am not sure about “most of the time”.

We are engaged in one or the other things, so it is difficult for us to take our time, still it's not an impossible task. To get your work done you need either motivation or intrinsic motive. You should check on what things you are investing your time. Personally I spend my time on videos, audios and on social media and on fitness.

I have thought about how to spend my day, so I keep some track on activities. 

•To save your day and to engage yourself in something productive, you can make a to do list.

•Set an alarm.

•Stick notes.


Take an example,
When you have working day next day, what you do is it set alarm to wake up on time and leave for work. The same thing goes for your life schedule too, setting alarm or reminders. It could make you aware of the things you are missing or have to do. 

If you want something so bad you should do the same thing, investing your time on something interesting or productive is always better than wasting it. I have always believed in making goals and achieving them, this is the only way one could progress in any field.

We have stipulated time to do what we want in life, we either postpone it for future or we do it there and then. 

• keeping this point in bullet•
 just to tell you that " some people have this habit of making fun of other's dreams. Don't worry about those retards because they will be the one sitting at the back seats and praising you for your achievements.

Progress means moving forward. Keep your inner fire burning and let it set the world on fire too. 🔥

Monday 25 March 2019

Face Care; Lipsticks and face cream

There are 3-4 lipsticks which I bought and very happy with them also so, I decided that I would be sharing it with you guys too. I pinned down the lipsticks which you must try.

1. This is one of the best lipsticks one could ever have if you want a decent colour

Nyx Matte Lipstick, Tea Rose

2. This is my personal favourite colour in lipsticks, one stroke gives you light shade you can use it according to boldness. It could go from light to dark in just a few seconds.

Nykaa Sugar Plum Martini 15 M


3. This is the nude colour if you looking for some light colour which mixes with your lip colour what I like about this product the most is that it gives you sweet fragrance.

Lakme Mousse Lip

This is also what I bought and Thinking of buying it again. This is the face cream cum foundation.
This is

Pond's White Beauty BB+

you should give it a try.

This product is also very good and genuine one, which works as foundation but its a sunscreen.

Lotus Herbals Matte Look

 This is better for people of all skin type.

Sunday 3 March 2019

Let's explore some fun places

There are some places in India which you might like when you visit them. I am sharing some of the pictures of Goa. There are some places which you should also visit to see the beauty of the ocean and nature. The sound you get to hear and the connection you feel when you cut your virtual links. One could feel the sound mind and body.
1. Candolim Beach.

This second pic is of place somewhere in North Goa.

3. Cabo de Rama.

4. Butterfly Beach.

5.Chapora fort.

6. Basilica of Bom Jesus

7. This is the pic of some cultural fest which was going on

7. Cruise. It's fun to see the dance forms of Goa while you are here.

Saturday 2 March 2019

Happy phase or face?

Walking over the sadness with a happy face, we can try that at least.
Perspective is the way of seeing things with different point of view. You could either imagine a sad place as happy one, by keeping a positive thought or you could imagine a place to be sad one by thinking of gloomy and painfull memories.

Tuesday 29 January 2019

Love your body!

Hey guys,


          I wanted to write about the topic which is necessary for today's generation. The generation which is more involved in technology and less in activity so I decided to write this health related blog where I want to say that one can stay healthy if they want to. Forcing someone to do something, what they should be doing totally goes in vain.

One should make up their mind to stay healthy. In this intrinsic motivation is required than the extrinsic one. The first Motive should be because they want to live a happy and a healthy life. As we all have heard about the phrase that Health is wealth.

There are two possible reasons of not taking care of yourself is either you don't love yourself or you don't understand the reason behind it. I have been exercising for the last I don't know  how many years, it my habit now. If someday I skip or cheat the only thing that comes to mind repeatedly is that I skipped and I wait for the next day so that I can compensate.

Well, there are thousands of reasons to be fit one of them is to stay young for longer duration, this is what I have seen. You can compare the faces of one who works out and the other who doesn't.
You can easily make out not by looking at their faces. No offense, I am not saying they look bad but my point here is to keep a track on your body.

If you take care of your body then your body definitely will pay you back, the hard work you did earlier. You feel good about yourself, about your hard work and if you want to stay young for Longer than you better stay fit.

         It is never to late not to learn new things and to love yourself. If you can't love youself then what do you expect from others.
According to a President's Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition
(U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)

• Less than 5% of adults participate in 30 minutes of physical activity each day;2 only one in three adults receive the recommended amount of physical activity each week.

• Only 35 – 44% of adults 75 years or older are physically active, and 28-34% of adults ages 65-74 are physically active.

• More than 80% of adults do not meet the guidelines for both aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities, and more than 80% of adolescents do not do enough aerobic physical activity to meet the guidelines for youth.

Make your efforts count and stay healthy and from mind and body.


Stay healthy and safe!

Hey people!  I hope you all are doing well in this pandemic. I didn't get to write for the last one year I guess, it's because I was...