Monday 5 October 2020

Stay healthy and safe!

Hey people!

 I hope you all are doing well in this pandemic.

I didn't get to write for the last one year I guess, it's because I was being too lazy. I don't know how many of you are reading my blogs and could relate to it but let me start today's blog!

Life has pretty much changed not just for me but for the rest of the people as well. Well, it has somehow changed for me a bit more because I got married!

After, when I got married then this corona thing happened. We've been trapped in our houses for like more than 7 months. We have gotten familiar with a little new terms like - lockdown, quarantine, Social distancing, COVID-19, work from home is not that unused word but we use it on daily basis now. Trips got cancelled, visits/ home visits got cancelled, meeting friends in a week or a month got cancelled. When your honeymoon gets cancelled, that really hurts (telling you with personal experience😒).

What did you do in this pandemic?

What I did was work, cook, exercise, travelled back and forth from my in-laws' house to my house. The trip continued...fell sick even after staying at home! Other people are wandering all around the places, eating street food, ordering food online and they are safe, lucky you!

People like me staying at home still get sick; catching viral instead of catching feelings! 😅What the hell! We have waited for this year like anything.

My expectations were like I'll like wander here and there, meet friends, visit new places with my husband and the sad reality is, this year, 2020, itself is sick. This corona time had made everybody so anxious, stressed, depressed since people lost jobs, friends, families every single day.

We should not lose hopes too soon. This year has shown us the worst, the best is yet to come. May be!🤔

 Keep disturbing your family and friends. They might not tell you how much they need you and your stupidity! 🤪Just kidding! 

Stay positive in this pandemic! Only talking about staying positive not COVID 19+. Stay safe and healthy.

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