Thursday 28 June 2018

Trust yourself

Hey guys,

This is the post is all about the tragedy of life.

The person who does nothing gets nothing. This is how the circle works. What you reap is what you sow.

 One with talent doubt their abilities, on the other hand average person does not worry about their knowledge (knowledge could be less) but they learn it confidently!

That is why you see people with more talent sometimes fail to get the best things and the average one cracks it because their power of being positive and less doubtful about their capabilities.

 self-doubt kills the best opportunities.

Keep your head held high and don't let the crown fall. Grab every opportunity coming your way.

Monday 25 June 2018

Keep Dreaming

Hey guys,

I have spent days and have sleepless nights been thinking about my dreams. I have made targets/ goals to meet my goals. It has always been like this. Making goals achieving them, thanking god for helping.

"What will happen when I fail to meet one"?

what if ...

This "what if." does not let us sleep. It's like a sudden rush of depression sweeping over. We don't understand how to take off that layer.

 We don't know what scares us the most of all, knowing that we can not follow those dreams now Or living without one.

What if the dreams give up on us or the chances of achieving it becomes zero.

Would my failure be forever now?

What will people say about me?

Have I become the live joke for people now?

This kind of questions will keep running in our head to drive us crazy. What do you need to do is calm down for a while and think for the alternative and what else you can possibly do, to meet those dreams. Make a list of ideas and work on it.

The problem is not forever. The problem stays like a problem until we think of it as one. 

Relax and let your hard work speak.

Tell yourself you got this! Yes, you did!

Saturday 23 June 2018

Being a Woman!

I wrote it earlier also, but unfortunately, it got deleted. Couldn't recover it. 

And I hate it because I wrote like a giant article on it. 

Well, here it goes again!

Being a woman, sometimes, makes me feel like, am I even important? This kind of feeling comes when so much is going on in your life and you just can't think why the hell I am going through this. Is it because I am a woman and that's why treated as a less important person in the human race? Well, the answer is, we as a woman are not treated as a serious matter. People think we are born to be used in their stupid jokes which is used when they are incapable of doing something or during their failure when they cry. As we cry our hearts out when something goes wrong and we do everything in best possible way. So, no thanks!

Huh. I am not just making up anything. I will tell you guys an incident which happened a few months back.

My friends and I we were volunteering for the function which took place in February. One of the judges called a guy "a woman" because he was talking a lot. I was looking at his face. The other guys around started laughing so hard as if it were a joke. 

It offended the guy and he said sir, please don't call me "a woman".

In layman terms, we can say the whole idea behind that not so funny joke was biased/stereotyped. 

The guy was standing next to me and with that sad face he looked at me and asked, "Why did he call me a woman?"

I replied, "So what if he called you a woman? He said, "No! he shouldn't be calling me that". 

People sometimes just develop qualitatively not quantitatively. Their brain is just as dumb as their tongue. Woman is different than man in just biological way. In humans only, the size of a woman is nearly the same. In animals or fishes the size of female is larger than that of male.  Treating woman as less important person and using them like a joke to laugh at are the people who pulls out the bitch in me who is ever ready to fight like a woman!  But the vicious circle of stupidity goes on. I think it satisfies their identity of treating themselves as Superior. Well, congratulations you still look stupid! People used to call me a tom-boy and guess what! I am not, I am a lady with all the strength and Independence. I can do what ever I want to. If I am doing something which is not according to the gender roles made by the society that does not make me a man or Tom boy. Because women can do it in their way. 

(P.S- the best way possible!)

If this article is offending most of the negative minds out there. GUESS WHAT! 


Thank you!

Saturday 23 September 2017

Let's make others smile for no reason!

Life is Precious make it worth living. let's make someone smile!

Hey guys,

I am writing this to tell you that life is short and make it worth living.

You should trust yourself before trusting others. Life is what we make it nothing is impossible blah blah..  you have heard these things earlier not a new thing.

But we should keep in mind,  if you have enough facilities or you are financially stable  you should help other people.  Who have fewer facilities or no facilities,  it might change their life.  Just like a jerk we feel when we travel in-car,  buses or what so ever.

We should  treat everybody equally not by just words but also by actions too. A bit of help might change someone's life completely. Our parent have taught us that "sharing is carrying".  If you give other person some of what you have,  it will help them grow like a Tree. At least you can say what you have done for others and they count on you.  You might become a living  guardian Angel for some.

Life will always give you chances to correct your actions not for just correcting them but also to make them count. Learning for some is a lesson or could be a success story.

 Let's make someone smile today!  ☺

Good day! 

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Don't Keep it to yourself!

Hey people,

when you face any problem in any field or any type. you should discuss it with the elder person if possible, or with your friends. when you have someone to share your problems with you feel relaxed and the stress level decreases on it's on. One should write diary so that they could see what they have faced and how!

you can motivate yourself through this. according to the data, when the person does not share their emotion with others there is a possibility that they might fall in trouble by not sharing or my hiding it.

There are amount of things one should do while they are stressed:

1. listen to music

2. Write Journals

3. Share it with friends

4. Discussion if possible

otherwise this stress level could be seen in your behavior or in many other ways it might spoil your day or days. 

Friday 17 March 2017

Positive Attitude can bring success.

Hey people!

If you have positive attitude, you can do anything. As the psychology has proven, positive attitude creates a Healthy environment.

when you start thinking in a positive way and I can do it! feeling develops. This I can do feeling starts working.

1.  Find ways to appreciate people around you, even if you don't want to. (I know it's hard)

2 .Make a list of things you like in yourself, not because other says it. But you like it.

3. Appreciate your own efforts, and make points what you have to do in life. '

4. Make a wish list what you want to have in your life, keep ticking on it as soon as you do it.           Even if it take years, Keep counting that day is coming soon.

5. Start doing things for yourself and for others, not for the sake of getting something out of it. But for you own satisfaction.what goes around comes around.⟳

6. Start doing small things.

7. Be strong! life gives you lemon, make lemonade then. (As Eminem Says)  

8. Find out good in everything.

Wednesday 15 March 2017

why our learning is incomplete?

1. We focus more on cramming than learning something new.
2. We expect more marks over practical knowledge.
3. New Learning (experimental learning) might take extra time, but we want instant results.
4. Forcing children to do what parent wants and child learns only for the sake of passing the exam.
5. Motivation is not given on time.

Make learning effective:
1. Give child the chance to succeed in their choice of field, child will do wonders. (for sure)
2. Support your child and show them you care.
3.  Help the child, take her/him to the counsellor to solve their queries.
4. Keep the child free, let him learn himself.

I hope it is helpful, in some or the other way.

Stay healthy and safe!

Hey people!  I hope you all are doing well in this pandemic. I didn't get to write for the last one year I guess, it's because I was...