Tuesday 29 January 2019

Love your body!

Hey guys,


          I wanted to write about the topic which is necessary for today's generation. The generation which is more involved in technology and less in activity so I decided to write this health related blog where I want to say that one can stay healthy if they want to. Forcing someone to do something, what they should be doing totally goes in vain.

One should make up their mind to stay healthy. In this intrinsic motivation is required than the extrinsic one. The first Motive should be because they want to live a happy and a healthy life. As we all have heard about the phrase that Health is wealth.

There are two possible reasons of not taking care of yourself is either you don't love yourself or you don't understand the reason behind it. I have been exercising for the last I don't know  how many years, it my habit now. If someday I skip or cheat the only thing that comes to mind repeatedly is that I skipped and I wait for the next day so that I can compensate.

Well, there are thousands of reasons to be fit one of them is to stay young for longer duration, this is what I have seen. You can compare the faces of one who works out and the other who doesn't.
You can easily make out not by looking at their faces. No offense, I am not saying they look bad but my point here is to keep a track on your body.

If you take care of your body then your body definitely will pay you back, the hard work you did earlier. You feel good about yourself, about your hard work and if you want to stay young for Longer than you better stay fit.

         It is never to late not to learn new things and to love yourself. If you can't love youself then what do you expect from others.
According to a President's Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition
(U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)

• Less than 5% of adults participate in 30 minutes of physical activity each day;2 only one in three adults receive the recommended amount of physical activity each week.

• Only 35 – 44% of adults 75 years or older are physically active, and 28-34% of adults ages 65-74 are physically active.

• More than 80% of adults do not meet the guidelines for both aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities, and more than 80% of adolescents do not do enough aerobic physical activity to meet the guidelines for youth.

Make your efforts count and stay healthy and from mind and body.


Monday 31 December 2018


Hey people,

I didn't write anything in this month so chose this day -the last day of the year to get it done.
This year was full of surprises, happiness, sadness, adulthood and entered into the world of employment-stress of work etc etc.
This year has been great for me a few things which were supposed to happen, last or last to last year but happened this year in 2018.
    Your happiness could be related to somebody's happiness, that is what I have experienced.

Felt sad for people who passed away so early when they had started to do well in their life.
Which made me think life is unpredictable, it could change any time we should cherish every moment. If you make mistakes that should not stop you from proceeding further, learning from mistakes and moving forward is what life is all about.

I am still in the process of getting to the point where I can say "I have learned a lot now I can relax", that stage is far for now.
     Life keeps on going so are the experiences and learning. We must make ourselves ready to adapt the changes in any field. At first it's tough but then it becomes your warm up.
I want to do so well in life, when I die I could say that "I have done everything, now I can die peacefully". πŸ™πŸ»

I want to write for myself too where I can feel motivated after reading it and could proceed further in life and never stop.πŸŽ–️

Monday 26 November 2018

Little things.

Hello guys,

           I have understood so many things in these years that a person could also stay happy in small things too.
A child who lives on streets and is homeless, does not have  proper clothes to cover his body and is barefooted.
If he could smile even in difficult conditions then you  can at least try .
We have forgotten our childhood, how we used to avoid the problem and if we think about the problem we had, they were related to solve the game conflicts, about choosing teams.
A small child can solve problem with his little brain too and he does not take much stress, he says what he feels like, does what he wants to.
Open your palms and release all the stress.

We as humans waste our time thinking about things which can't be fixed instead leaving it alone and focusing on main things.
 We should invest our time in living happily and giving society back what it has given you.

Life is not always the same for every one it keeps on changing, we should go with the flow and should explore the beauty around us.

Life feels simple when you have the perspective which is positive. Let small things make you happy and big things happier.

Tuesday 30 October 2018

Life is happy

Hello people,

                 Does the world feel sad when you are sad?!

It is very difficult for us to describe the life when we are sad. When we are happy there are some words which perfectly describe a situation. So, I can say that life has been tough for all of us precisely for me too.
I don't want to give it a credit because now I have so many good things happening in my life and I don't want to focus on the negative side, which really affected me and broke me in tears.

I have died like everyday waiting for that moment where I can say

                                 "I Live for this"

 life gives you so many worst experiences and lessons just to make you realise, how to be happy when gloomy days are over. Instead of blaming the person we should blame the situation.

      The most important thing that I have realised is to attain a peace of mind and not physical environment, that's the secondary thing because physical environment could be changed but to feel the change, we should be in the state of mind to understand what is happening and how it could be changed.

I want to thank every single person whom I've met and who stayed with me in the times of need. I will always remember the responses that I have got and will try to be there for the people who stood by me.

Even if you say "I understand you" means a lot to the person who is in need or even if you stay silent and just listen to them.
 This is just like a therapy where we share our inner or deepest thoughts which were bouncing inside your heads to pop out some day.

In the end I would like to say is to stay strong and be happy because ultimately you will get what you dreamt of it could be anything happiness, money, things but don't just kill your excitement for the person who does not deserve it. Live, keep shining, keep smiling because you are worth it.


Thursday 18 October 2018

Save yourself for someone special

Hey guys,
         This is very important for a person to know, their value in someone's life. We face different situations like
Sometimes we feel the person is not reciprocating the same way they should. Which directly or indirectly affects us in different terms.
 If the other person is making extra efforts to make you or the situation positive, gives you positive Vibes.

What would you do in one of the situations as mentioned above it is quite obvious we will stick to the person who who makes extra efforts and gives us positive vibes.

        I believe in the philosophy- which says "Action speaks louder than words." People say thousand things daily and they don't do as they say. People should teach what they preach.

You should give yourself time to see what is going around you and should know how to analyze the situation. If the person is making genuine efforts just you have your attention, you should never let them go.
And if you are with the person who makes you feel extra & worthless it's time for you to see the truth and move on and wait for the best one to come. It is just like the quote syas "Price is what you pay and value is what you get." If you are not getting what you deserve you should look for someone else who appreciates your presence because there are thousands and billions of people on this planet and I totally believe you will find that someone special with those qualities.

You cannot expect these things from stupid people. Just save your time, effort, energy and your love for someone who deserve it.
Save yourself for someone special! ❤️


Wednesday 3 October 2018

Things to do

Hey people,
We have always dreamt of dying, at some point of our lives. You must have made a list of things in mind, what you would love to do before dying. This is what I think if this happens, that is what I would be doing, if thing happens I will react this way.

Things I want to do, before dying;
πŸ˜‚(P.S- I am not mentally stressed or depressed)

1. I want to travel the whole world. (So clichΓ©, ikr)

2. I want to live in a tree house for months, also in       smallest house. That is what we used to do        when we were small

3. I would like to speak the brutal truth for a day, even if it hurts everybody around.

4. Would like to taste all the candies all around the world.

5. I would want to have a life where I just sit, eat, exercise and get paid for it.πŸ˜‚ (Suggest me, some kind of jobs)

6. Want to visit places and would like to skip going home afterwards.

7. Would like to call all my FRIENDS and party.

8. World tour with friends.

9. Want to be a Police woman for a day.

10. See the northern lights.

11. Ride a helicopter.

12. Scuba Dive the Great Barrier Reef.

13. Go on a road trip.

14. Raise a child.

15. Camping.

16. Sleep in a Castle.

17. Climb a Mountain.

18. Get Tattoos all over my body.

19. Ride a Roller Coaster.

20. Become a Millionaire.

21.  Fall in Love.

22. Learn to Skateboard.

23. Learn Sign Language.

24. Be a Judge for a day.

25. Fly like a bird and shit on people I hate the most.

26. Want to see myself from others perspective and make them think, I am the Best human on Earth that has ever existed.πŸ˜‚

P.S- keeping few things Private. 🀘🏻


Tuesday 25 September 2018

You're worth it

Hello people,

          There are various situations in which people either slay by saying the good things or by staying quiet. There are numerous comes, it could be positive or negative. You never know, how the other person is articulating the meaning out of a situation.

Sometimes we regret saying something or we regret we didn't say anything. People react in anger, they say things that they shouldn't have said. When we don't utter a word, we become our critic.

We have different ways of finding fault in others or we can say, we all are clichΓ©d, the way we do things, as if we were born to find faults. Life is little crazy. Let god decide, how to f*ck your life in his style.πŸ€˜πŸ»πŸ˜‚πŸ€˜πŸ»
 It all depends on the way, we take it as a lesson or one of the ways to be successful person.

Your work is to shine, without dimming others' light. Don't be that light that blinds!
Be your own motivator, inspire to aspire, pull people out of their miseries and put a smile on their faces. Climb on a ladder of success not on people's morals.


Stay healthy and safe!

Hey people!  I hope you all are doing well in this pandemic. I didn't get to write for the last one year I guess, it's because I was...