Friday 31 August 2018

Uncertain things!

Hello people,

     Uncertainty, doubt, dubiety, skepticism, suspicion, mistrust mean lack of sureness about someone or something. uncertainty may range from a falling short of certainty to an almost complete lack of conviction or knowledge especially about an outcome or result. This is what Merriam-Webster says about uncertainty.
 There are things we should not worry about i.e., future, situations, conditions, your bank balance 😂 etc. These things are uncertain you can not define the exact amount of them like how good or bad it would be in the next moment. We should remember that we live only once (only god knows though!) we should not waste our time worrying about things we can not control, instead we should enjoy every moment of our lives, loving people around and giving the society that it deserves (only good things.😂)

As the picture says being Sad is a waste of time, instead of wasting our time thinking; what bad has happened to you. We should serve people in need and thank God for giving us the opportunity to face the bad phase and coming out of it smiling.

"A person can acquire knowledge by experiencing the worst situations and not by eating almonds."

Consider yourself fortunate enough for the things you have, some people don't even have the basic things. Donate a little, to the people in need.

People of Kerala are having a bad time of their lives and they need your help as they have lost their houses, the basic need of a human being.

Please! Donate some amount or any thing you can give.

You can log on to "Paytm" and donate some amount of money to the minister of Kerala!
Sharing the link -

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