Friday 31 August 2018

Uncertain things!

Hello people,

     Uncertainty, doubt, dubiety, skepticism, suspicion, mistrust mean lack of sureness about someone or something. uncertainty may range from a falling short of certainty to an almost complete lack of conviction or knowledge especially about an outcome or result. This is what Merriam-Webster says about uncertainty.
 There are things we should not worry about i.e., future, situations, conditions, your bank balance 😂 etc. These things are uncertain you can not define the exact amount of them like how good or bad it would be in the next moment. We should remember that we live only once (only god knows though!) we should not waste our time worrying about things we can not control, instead we should enjoy every moment of our lives, loving people around and giving the society that it deserves (only good things.😂)

As the picture says being Sad is a waste of time, instead of wasting our time thinking; what bad has happened to you. We should serve people in need and thank God for giving us the opportunity to face the bad phase and coming out of it smiling.

"A person can acquire knowledge by experiencing the worst situations and not by eating almonds."

Consider yourself fortunate enough for the things you have, some people don't even have the basic things. Donate a little, to the people in need.

People of Kerala are having a bad time of their lives and they need your help as they have lost their houses, the basic need of a human being.

Please! Donate some amount or any thing you can give.

You can log on to "Paytm" and donate some amount of money to the minister of Kerala!
Sharing the link -

Friday 24 August 2018

Let people think

Hey people,

    Have you ever experienced a few moments where you feel that the person you are talking to has misunderstood you. Well, congratulations! you are alive. This is life where you say something, people get something else then they have the point of fighting.

This issue is quite common because people will always judge you, according to their mood and the situation. I have recently joined somewhere and I barely know anyone there so, I do don't talk much. A lady was wearing a dress and I asked her "you wear it like this? What about the other way?!" I am definitely sure she got offended. 🙈 I was actually curious, to know the other ways of wearing that dress.
It's like you can't control the situation because you can not control other's point of view and their way of thinking.

The only thing you can do is "leave it up to them!" 😂 Or ignore it because you can not invest your time explaining the other person; what you said, how you said it, why did you do something and so on.
You didn't take birth just to explain people around you and to prove that you are right.

Thursday 16 August 2018

feel awesome

Hey guys,

       Awesome is a word which is divided into "awe" and "some". Awe means a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder and some means an unspecified amount.

•Be excited for the new innings and for future because you don't know what is going to happen. So, smile and be happy now, be happy enough to forget all your sorrows.
It's okay to feel sad for sometime because only after a gloomy day you could enjoy the sunny day.

•Give people suggestions, to solve the problem when asked. 
Do not force people to follow what you have suggested because it's their choice and up to them whether they want to follow or not. 

•Exercise is the best way to feel happy and healthy. Exercise keeps the body functioning smooth and keeps us away from anxiety.

• Smile that is the easy gesture and seems simple enough; If you just smile at someone, it will make them feel more at ease. 

•Respect others point of view; be flexible enough to accept other's point of view and

It's time for you to leave the table, when respect is no longer served.

 To make others respect you, the first thing you should do is respect yourself.

• Take less tension; that is quite hard for people (including me) to do so. It comes naturally though. Relax a little and let things happen on their own.

 Did you smile today?

Be Awesome! Smile because why not?! 😁

Saturday 11 August 2018

How to be a real and true friend

Good afternoon guys,

       This is the best topic which we should know i.e., "how to be a real and true friend!"

1.) Most of us actually need to know the real meaning of being a true friend. People come and go like the waves in the ocean. But true friends stick around whether you like it or not. Just like an octopus on your face or a jellyfish on your leg. (Indeed!)

   2.) If you don't respect your friends' decision and keep questioning about it, you might lose that Friend. It is the for most, or we can say basic rule of a friendship, trust your friend.

     3.) Let your actions do the talking. Your friends want you to act and stick to what you said earlier. You can't keep your words; your friend might feel hesitation, in sharing their problems with you.

(Let your friends know what you are hiding for what reason!)

4.) Staying connected is what your friend might need, you should always support them no matter what. They need your support in bad situations and to tackle the problems because two is always better than One! Right?

5.) If you need to find who is your friend in need; just close your eyes and think; who will help you in the time of need. That's the one!
(I don't know about you guys but when I think, I have a list of friends, guess I am lucky!)

6.) A True friend does not need to keep a track on the lists of mistakes you have made; nobody is perfect right! A person's imperfection makes him live and interesting.
Forgive and forget is the best thing to do.

   7.) A true friend is always ready to invest; even in your dumb things. Just kidding!

Have a happy day!

Sunday 5 August 2018


Hey guys, Happy friendship day!

       Life is incomplete without family and stupid friends. It is the best life when you have friends as your family.

On this special occasion I want to thank my crazy friends for sticking by. I don't know how to thank you guys but this is my way of expression.

This life could have been more difficult without you guys so this is for each one of you who stood by my in my thick and thin. Some people have a few true friends but I think I am just lucky enough to have many friends and everyone is so special in their own way.

I love you all so much, I might have told you that in one or the other way.

I have made many interesting, goofy, cracked friends which sometimes make me think "what did I do to get you guys?"

Some say they can't live without air, water i.e., true but I can not think of life without my friends. You have seen me growing and changing. I never felt lonely and never had this feeling of getting in relationship with someone because I have you.

[P.S- you all are responsible for my "forever single" title 😂 ]

 You all are like a mirror to me when I see myself I see you!

Happy friendship day to everyone! ♥️💫

I love you to the moon and back. 💕

Thursday 2 August 2018

Taste of truth

Hey guys,

This is I guess the most wanted topic in the human history. Hurting others is easier than making them happy.

People disappoint us, for not responding the way they should be responding, not being honest and by telling lies.
There is a thin line between the truth and a lie. Truth hurts more than the lies and it is easier to lie than confessing the truth. This is why I guess people lie. They also do so because it makes them more accepting. Or maybe they are trapped in their own web of Lies. The only difference between the truth and the lie is that the truth is solely independent and it does not need the support to stand up against all odds but lie does.
I think the person who lies is the one who is Hollow from inside Out. They most of the time hurt people who are close to them.

If you don't know how does the truth taste like you should stop making others stupid because in the end you will get to know you were the only stupid around. There are certain ways to hide a truth but there are a million of reasons to showcase it. If you are enjoying your lies now guess what it is going to change in a jiffy and you will not even get a chance to regret it.
The only thing that is going to happen is you will end up losing people you love the most.

When you taste the truth the only think you are going to feel is the freedom from the chains of Lies, the Independence which stopped you trapped you earlier. Well, life gives chances to restart. Now is the time. You might regret it in future for not starting it earlier.

Now is the time to change, CHANGE FOR GOOD.

People will be forgiven,
Truth will be revealed
Dark Sky would clear
Birds would fly
Your worth would be understood
As the time passes by!

"Let Karma Hustle!"

Wednesday 25 July 2018

Spark in the Dark

Hey guys,

Think of the colour black the only thing that comes to our mind is dark image. But when we see its positive side the word black has all the colours mixed in it and could be said as the father of all colours.

For Some people black is not a happy colour but logically it has all the colours in it.

Darkness is when there's no light and on the other hand the light could only be seen when there is darkness. Likewise, a person's capabilities are just like the colours which are embedded underneath his skin.

Even excess light could blind us. Don't be afraid of the dark experiences in life.

Only know you have been high When you're feeling low!
(P.S- love this song!)

Falling and Rising are complementary. The person who fails often is more likely to be happy after they succeed in life because they have the experience of failing. I am not saying fail first then only you could succeed.

As an inventor, Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. When a reporter asked, "How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?"

Edison replied, "I've not failed 1000 times but I, now, know 1000 ways how not to make a bulb."

•You cannot see the stars in the sunlight•

Stay healthy and safe!

Hey people!  I hope you all are doing well in this pandemic. I didn't get to write for the last one year I guess, it's because I was...